


Fireplaces are an opportunity to create a really nice focal point in the room that draws people in. Let’s give this poor fireplace a makeover by building a new fireplace surround.

I love fireplaces. They’re warm and inviting–what’s not to love? And then I laid eyes on this poor, poor fireplace and my heart just sank. It was an obvious afterthought that had been long neglected. It wasn’t even given a proper fireplace surround: no brick, no tile, no anything. Just drywall, the minimum.

Fireplace before the makeover

My first inclination was actually to remove it. It protrudes so much from the wall that it was frankly an eyesore. It wasn’t until I saw someone else react to the fireplace with a bit of disgust that I suddenly needed to rescue this poor fireplace. I never wanted anyone to look at it with such disdain again! From that moment, all I could think about was a fireplace makeover

I came across this concept of DIY square dowel art, and I got SO excited. I love the dimension that the wood creates. Even better, it looked like a DIY project I could actually do!

Some Much Needed Art and DIY

For years, the space above my fireplace has been completely empty. As much as my fiancé asked to buy art to go above the mantel, I stubbornly refused. I’d always planned to paint something for that spot…But then I procrastinated. And the more I procrastinated, the more daunting of a task it seemed: what colors should I use? What should it be a painting of? Modern? Traditional? Statement piece or background?

I’m so glad I did, because I was able to create find and create this DIY square dowel wall art instead. If you’re looking for a super fun and simple beginner wood and art project, look no further.

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