We’re nearly at the finish line! Just one more week until the big reveal of our moody modern vintage, a touch gaudy living room.

Remember that big blank, boring wall behind the TV? This week was all about giving it a little more visual interest. This was the rough plan:

The orange line represents the wiring within each frame and through each connecting channel

Wondering what the orange line is? It’s to plan out the electrical wiring. Wiring for what? LEDs, of course!

Initially, I wanted just a feature wall, a sibling to the slat wall I made in Week 4. But then I realized this side of the room needed more light! One thing led to another, and suddenly this accent wall design became a lighting fixture design, too!

The first step was to cut and assemble all the squares we needed: 32 squares, to be exact. Plus, all the lines connecting them. So, it started with a LOT of wood pieces:

The wood pieces for the sides of the square frames

Then we cut the LED strips, placed them in the frames, and wired them up. I’ve never worked with LED strips or lights before, so this week has been a big learning process.

An LED strip was placed in each frame, the wires running through the wood strips that connected each square frame


This wall desperately needed something to help draw the eye up. Without anything on this wall, the TV and floor are the most interesting thing to look at.

The wall before this week


What a difference a few pieces of wood and LED strips can make! The best part? The lights can change color! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white–take your pick! (This was perfect for me because I had such a hard time picking paint colors, I don’t know if I could have handled making a lighting color decision this week!)

Our new LED accent wall

Get Ready for the Big Reveal Next Week

That’s a wrap for Week 7!

In case you missed out on previous weeks, check them out here:

Weeks 1 & 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6

Also, be sure to check out all the other One Room Challenge participants’ updates this week before their big reveals next week:



  1. You did an incredible job! This looks wonderful! Congratulations on a kick ass first LED project!!!! I was going to build some honeycomb shelves for my coffee shop office, and now you’re making me think…. maybe it needs some LEDs? 🙂 Good luck this week!

    • Thank you! I was so nervous but glad it turned out and all the lights worked. Omg LED honeycomb shelves sound amazing! Can’t wait to see them!

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